What if I told you that with one simple 10-minute practice, you could experience…
✨Greater Peace
✨More Energy
✨Increased Focus
✨Less Stress
✨More Creativity
Would you do it? This is the power of a daily meditation practice. I have been meditating for years. It’s how I balance running a business, showing up for family and friends, prioritizing my own health, and actually enjoying myself along the way.
Here are my top tips to get started:
- Start Small: Begin with just 5-10 minutes a day. Consistency is key. Then, try increasing the time as your practice develops.
- Create a Sacred Space: Find a quiet and comfortable place in your home and make it your “meditation space”. Whether it’s a corner of your bedroom or a cozy chair in the living room, having a dedicated space supports focus, consistency, and relaxation.
- Build a Routine: Do it at the same time everyday. Again, we’re going for consistency here! For me, it’s part of my morning routine and helps set me up for a relaxed day ahead.
- Make it Your Own: One of the biggest roadblocks to meditating is the fear of doing it “wrong”. But the truth is, there is no wrong way to meditate! This is YOUR time to take up space. Experiment with breathwork, mindful journaling, or simply sitting still. Then, stick with what feels good.